
My 3 favorite blogs about online entrepreneurs

In the afternoon, I like to read some of my favorite blogs, to laugh, smile, and get inspired. There are lots of great blogs about online entrepreneurs. I'll share 3 of my favorite blogs here.

I used to open the blogs with the Mozilla Firefox tabs. When there wasn't a new post I had to move on to the next blog. Now I read only the latest posts using Google Reader. I created 8 folders and add feeds to each one. Then, 'mark as read' after reading the posts. Now when I log on I just click on the ones that have new posts. By the way, my folders are: italian news, soccer, futebol, cooking, entrepreneurs, classic movies, broadway, and standards. What feedreader do you use?

On to the 3 favorite blogs about online entrepreneurs that I read at least 3 times a week:

1) Derek Gehl's Marketing Tips

Tips to make your online site, blog and emails profitable. Articles with marketing tips and examples of proof they get results.

Favorite Post: Llama wrangling, pirate blogs, and fish bonkers Creative ways to write creative blog posts.

2) Startup Spark

About the marketing, and mindset of startup online businesses.
Conversation with readers: I like how a handful of readers leave their opinions on the post. It's like walking into a room and joining the conversation.

Short 1 paragraph topics: I know the posts will be at the most- 10 lines long. It makes me read it often and not put it off.

Favorite post: OK I Must be getting old It's funny.

3) WSJ.com: Independent Street

About issues that small businesses face, not all online.

Conversation with readers: At least 20 readers per post leave their opinions on the topic with their great stories.

Short 1 paragraph topics
highlighting a small business: Always inspiring to read about other small business using various marketing strategies and seeing proof of the results.

Favorite Post: How to Get Killer PR Sometimes the quickest way to visibility is your product's picture with a celebrity.

Here's how I automate this: At the end of the day, I'll block 20 minutes to read these 3 blogs. I'll write down 3 new tips, or interesting topics. Then, 5 minutes later I see how can I add these tips to my weekly marketing plan.

What are your 3 favorite blogs about online entrepreneurs/tips you like to read weekly?

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