If you didn't have to do every marketing task, can you say in 1 sentence what your blog is about?
It's easy to get caught up in a weekly plan of marketing tasks. Within days you lose sight of what the point of your online blog is about. Remember it's not about you but "what's in it for" your visitor! This needs to be in your blog subheader.
If in 10 seconds your visitor doesn't understand what they can get out of your blog, they'll click away to another blog or site feeling confused. You can say bye bye to them returning soon, much less sales.
To make your message attract your ideal prospects and turn them into customers or subscribers, needs to include at least 2 of these:
- - tell them exactly what they're going to find on your blog
- - what benefits will they get if they stay on your blog, or buy one of your products
- - what problem are your product (s) or blog solving for them
- - how you understand their problem
See how these 2 blogs added their message in their subheader:
1) http://italiansoccerseriea.com
with message: A Blog for Italian Soccer Fans Like you to Post Your Opinions on your favorite Italian Soccer teams, players, Latest Serie A Results, Serie A Preview.
2) www.vivavisibility.com/blog
with message: Add Sizzle to Your Visibility- Stand Out, Get Noticed, and Get More Business
Try this for the week:
- Have your 1 sentence blog message written next to your computer. Glance at it at least twice a day.
- Focus 1st on ways you can help your visitors solve their problem, then including a product you sell that makes it easier for them, saves them time with worksheets, templates, systems...
If you're ready to get experts help you determine what your blog's message is, and how to start making money online, passive income with your own info-products that sell. Check out:
Teleseminar Info Product Intensive
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