
Add your own audioclips to get visitors to stay on site and subscribe to ezine

Wondering about adding audio to your blog or website? There are 2 programs that help you add audio clips to your website or blog: AudioAcrobat and AudioGenerator.Com. I signed up for AudioAcrobat 2 days ago. You can use it to record your audio clips immediately within your 30 day free trial. With AudioGenerator- you need to pay your 1st month to start using your own audio clips.

Helps visitors stay on your website/ blog

Having a short welcome greeting and an invitation to subscribe to your ezine can get visitors to stay on your website a few more seconds. I had read that a few weeks ago but now it was time to take action.

According to female online entrepreneur Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, "Did you know in studies that audio use on websites raised conversion (buying) rates over 250% without changing a single word of copy?! I was stunned, but it's true. Since I've added audio to my site, I get far much more response than before."

I signed up for AudioAcrobat 2 days ago

Two days ago I wanted to surprise my mom on Mother's day by letting her hear one of her favorite songs on a blogpost.

She likes 'Strangers in the Night' so Saturday night, I asked myself, what's one 'handmade' gift I can give her.

I signed up for AudioAcrobat in 15 minutes. At 10pm I got my cell-phone, put it next to my keyboard and played the song. I saved it and then logged on to paste the HTML code on the post. It just took 10 minutes! She was surprised when she heard it the next morning on this post.

For a profitable blog you can record a short 30 second welcome message and say exactly what people will find on your website, invite them to subscribe to your ezine. It's not complicated at all. Get your cell phone. When you log in to your account, you'll see a phone number to call, a pin number to enter to then record your audio clip. Save it, get the html code and put it on your site. I'll do this tomorrow :)

Sign up for your free 30 day trial at AudioAcrobat

Do you use AudioAcrobat for your audio clips?

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